28 July 2023

AI's Take On Javascript

I asked Bing AI:

in javascript, how to access outer object’s this from inner objects function ?

The answer starts with:

To access the outer object’s this from an inner object’s function in JavaScript, you can assign the outer object’s this to a local variable and use that variable inside the inner object’s function. Here is an example:

var outerObject = {
  outerProperty: 'outerPropertyValue',
  innerObject: {
    innerFunction: function() {

outerObject.innerObject.innerFunction(); // logs 'outerPropertyValue'

To name the outer object - not a bad idea at all, only it was not applicable for me.

But then, there was more:

You can also use arrow functions in ES6 to capture the this value of the enclosing context, avoiding the need to assign this to a new variable or to use bound functions. Here is an example:

var outerObject = {
  outerProperty: 'outerPropertyValue',
  innerObject: {
    innerFunction: () => {

outerObject.innerObject.innerFunction(); // logs 'outerPropertyValue'

That looks nice and simple! But, isn’t innerFunction’s this the innerObject? 🤔

Running the code produces an expected undefined.

So, nothing new - AI offers convincing anwers which are wrong - it’s only that it happened to me for the first time.