08 May 2023

Text Style Tool

I’ve added a tool for styling / formatting text. It works by replacing regular letters of the alphabet with mathematical and other symbols defined in Unicode standard. Downsides are that it does not support non-alphabet letters and is not accessible.


One day I wanted to emphasise part of the text I was posting to a social network, but there was no option for making the text bold or italic. I remembered that I saw people (ab)use Unicode for that and went to search for the web tool. There were some, but with rather poor page layout and filled with ads. So I thought - how hard can it be? After a few minutes, a Stackoverflow answer referred me to the excelent piece of Javascript which does the thing. With that, I had the main building block and after a while my version of the text formatter was done. It has no adds, runs fast and has only styles I needed so far - bold, italic and script. Perhaps underline and strikethru should be added also…